If you have a very small bathroom then most probably you would need a storage area to place a lot of bathroom accessories. To buy a storage space is nothing but a rubbish idea; however, you can make one for yourself by spending a small amount of money. You can make storage space according to your needs and wants. We will guide you with some of our latest designs of Bathroom Storage that you will love it. These Bathroom Storage ideas are very easy to make and so uncomplicated that anyone of you can make one.
Have a look at this pretty Bathroom Storage. These are four wall shelves placed in a vertical order. The yellow color is so complimenting the bathroom. This is most definitely not expensive storage space. You can place perfumes, toddlers’ bathroom organizers, tooth brushes etc.
This is a very big Bathroom Storage project. You can save a lot of things in this storage space like lots of towels, perfumes, etc. The white color is going with the color of the bathroom. Each Bathroom Storage project has six racks in it to save things.
This is such a graceful and modish Bathroom Storage idea. The black color of the racks is enhancing the prettiness of the entire bathroom. We have placed four black racks and dangled them in silver metallic rods.
This is a very well-brought-up design of Bathroom Storage which I bet you have not seen before. The white colored wall shelves are placed under the Basin of the bathroom. You can save here a lot of towels and also soaps and shampoos.
We have made this Bathroom Storage space above the tank. You can place frames, soaps and other bathroom accessories. These thin glass wall shelves are giving an enchanting look to the whole bathroom.
These are two six wall shelves placed on one wall only. Two of them are big enough to hold big things and small four shelves to place shampoo bottles, tooth brushes, pastes etc.